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GPS & Tracking

Quality devices make all the difference. To help reduce vehicle downtimes and replacements, Nexxo Fleet only partners with manufacturers of GPS and other devices that ensure maximum possible quality.  All GPS & tracking devices must be thoroughly tested in our labs before they can be recommended to our customers.

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GPS & Tracking

The most accurate solution for tracking your assets

Product Image


    GPS & Tracking
    ​​Track your assets
    follow the location of vehicles in real time
    GPS & Tracking
    Access enhanced global satellite technology
    optimize your fleet wherever it is in the world
    GPS & Tracking
    Measure the values of your shipments
    get input from multiple sensors on our platform.
    GPS & Tracking
    Prevent misuse of your resources
    receive alerts when your fleet leaves its scheduled routes

what our platform does

GPS & Tracking
Position Reporting
Know the exact location of your assets
GPS & Tracking
Event-Driven Alerts
Receive notification of critical fleet unit issues and actions
GPS & Tracking
Fleet Optimization
Monitor fleet positioning and find missing equipment and tools

Book your demo today