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Fuel Performance

Control your fuel resources anytime, from anywhere. Nexxo Fleet helps you understand fuel spending through connections to all your fuel cards, internal fuel pump dispatching, and mileage consumption for individual vehicles–all remotely.

contact us now
Fuel Performance

visibility to your fleet’s largest expense



    Fuel Performance
    Control resources
    automate fuel shipments for your fleet
    Fuel Performance
    Prevent fuel expense surprises
    view fuel usage analysis reports
    Fuel Performance
    Forecast refills and detect theft
    track historic fuel use
    Fuel Performance
    Fill up anywhere
    with the largest fuel card brands

what our platform does

Fuel Performance
Take control of your internal fuel pumps
Fuel dispatching with RFID technology controls fuel dispatch inside your own pumps without the need for an additional team member to perform the job

Fuel Performance
Bring your fuel solutions together
Make the most out of your fuel card solution by integrating it with an all in one platform, giving you access to insights and analytics which allow for full control and understanding of your spending
Fuel Performance
Full Control
Control where, when, and how much fuel your fleet uses, and understand how to optimize it to diminish costs by gathering a full view of every gallon being dispatched and used

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